I worked indirectly a few years ago with the VillageMD folks in TX in the ACO formation area, and even before the Walgreens buy they were marked by a certain arrogance. But they were also good at Medicare value based care and turned in great results in spend and quality.

Their leadership certainly made out on Roz's dime! And then getting them to finance the Summit Health buy was the whip cream and sprinkles from what I heard! But there goes VillageMD and all the doctors, staff, and patients thet built up for years...what about them now on the block? Who will buy them?

One thing that didnt get a ton of attention was Boots' managing director in July announcing his Nov departure, as WBA announced it *wasn't* selling Boots. Meanwhile CVS is flogging Oak Street all over TV and social. It gets curiouser.

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Thank you for your insights, Donna! CVS and Walgreens have learned firsthand that primary care is hard and non-scalable. Plus, the price tag they paid for Oak Street and VillageMD, respectively, is highly questionable. CVS will survive because of its PBM dominance. I’m not sure about Walgreens.

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CVS is trying to get someone to buy a share of OSH. They paid too much as did Amazon with One Medical. A severe case of FOMO among the three of them.

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